The Facilities Advisors Reserve Study Team consists of a number of individuals with various backgrounds and experience.  For the convenience of our clients each team member has an assigned geographic area that they serve and those areas include the areas of the country with the highest concentration of associations.  In addition, any of the team members can be available to assist other team members or to perform studies in areas outside the assigned geographic areas.  The Mexico City off ice is served by Pierre Del Rosario  who was actually born in Mexico City.  Pierre is also our only team member fluent in Spanish.

About Facilities Advisors

Facilities Advisors SKE – Skills, Knowledge and Experience

The principals at Facilities Advisors are recognized leaders in the community association industry and the reserve study profession.  Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter is a past national president of CAI and is also president of the International Capital Budgeting Institute (ICBI).  Facilities Advisors COO Pierre Del Rosario serves on the board of directors of ICBI.  Both are coauthors of “Reserve Studies – The Complete Guide,” the most comprehensive book written on the subject of reserve studies. 

We have the experience you need.  The thousands of associations we’ve served speak to our quality service.  Add to that our competitive fee structure and our easy-to-read reports, and you’ve got the right team for your reserve study.  Whether you’re a high rise association in the city, a unique condominium project in the desert, or a large-scale gated community, we’ve got the experience, and we can handle the job.

Preparation of reserve studies and capital budgets requires that the preparers possess or have training in several diverse disciplines AND follow professional standards that provide Clarity, Consistency, and Comparability.  Facilities Advisors is the ONLY company that has demonstrable skills in all areas.  In addition to following professional level standards the three separate disciplines that are part of the long-term budgeting process are; component knowledge, pricing or valuation knowledge, and financial knowledge.

Professional standards - Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter is also president of ICBI (International Capital Budgeting Institute) and primary author of ICBI’s Generally Accepted Reserve Study Standards.  ICBI is an independent standards-setting organization.  ICBI’s standards are professional level standards based on sound underlying principles tat compare very favorably to the incomplete rules (not standards even if they call them that) that others follow. At Facilities Advisors we have demonstrated that we have a better understanding of the principles and standards of reserve studies and capital budgets than anyone else in the industry.

Component knowledge - Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter holds the FMP (Facilities Management Professional credential issued by IFMA, the International Facilities management Association of which he is a long time member.  His technical training is in facilities maintenance.   This skill set is critical for understanding how to create maintenance plans and is the skill most directly applicable to preparation of reserve studies and capital budgets based on maintenance plans. Our east coast team member Lynn Sallee is a former general contractor.  Together they have written a book on high rise reserve studies and created a training course of the same name.  Our southeast team member Pierre Del Rosario has been preparing reserve studies for more than 20 years and is co-author with Gary Porter of “Reserve Studies – The Complete Guide.”  Our Arizona/Texas team member, Greg Libke has been with Facilities Advisors since 2018 and has prepared hundreds of reserve studies and is co-author with Gary Porter of the training course Country Club Reserve Studies.  Greg is also president of ARP (Associated Reserve Planners), a trade organization for reserve preparers that provides educational services for the reserve study and capital budgeting professions.

Valuation knowledge - Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter is a recognized expert in valuations having testified in more than 50 court cases on valuation, pricing, and financial matters.  He has even been appointed as the court’s independent expert on complex cases where the court was unable to “reconcile” opposing experts’ opinions.  In addition, as a partner in a public adjusting company he negotiated insurance claims settlements for association clients.  All Facilities Advisors team members have training in valuation principles.

Financial Knowledge - Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter is a CPA and THE expert on financial calculations, financial modeling, and financial reporting, the three aspects of financial knowledge critical to long-term budgets.  All Facilities Advisors team members have training in these areas.

In addition to technical skills personal characteristics are equally important.  For more than 40 years FAI has been recognized as a leader in the community association industry.  No service company can survive that long in this industry without having proved themselves time and again.  We have decades of experience with condominium associations, planned developments, timeshare associations, country clubs, condo hotels, churches, schools, and governmental entities.  With the most powerful reserve study software available and a well trained team we can help even the most complex associations manage the reserve study budgeting process.  FAI has not only survived, but excelled during that time period, receiving such recognition that our CEO Gary Porter, served as CAI's national president in 1998-99.  We have benefitted from the trust of the industry - trust that was earned through our core values.

  • INTEGRITY: Maintaining a high level of integrity is the only choice our clients will accept from us, and our personal standards demand it.
  • TRUSTWORTHY/TEAM-ORIENTED: We know that mutual trust and teamwork creates a progressive working environment that attracts and retains the best and the brightest people.
  • RESPECTFUL: We recognize the importance of treating our Clients and Staff and all others in a respectful manner at all times.
  • RESPONSIBLE: We know that we have a responsibility to understand our client company's objectives and to strive to successfully implement these programs.
  • RESPONSIVE: Our responsiveness separates us in a positive manner from our competition. Our ability to act quickly and effectively wins the praise and respect of all.
  • CUSTOMER DRIVEN: We recognize the importance of listening closely to our clients to better understand their unique requirements. Providing progressive programs, processes and solutions to meet their requirements is essential to our mutual success.
  • EFFICIENT: We know that a progressive approach to innovation and how we organize and perform our work is critical to our individual and team success. We understand our roles and responsibilities in this process and how our performance impacts the performance of others.
  • EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMERS: We know that we must be better than our competition every day to attract, satisfy and maintain our clients. Our individual and team efforts are always progressive and go beyond expectations.

The Facilities Advisors Team are also recognized leaders of the reserve study profession.

The Facilities Advisors Team has the unique expert Skills, Knowledge, and Experience to serve your reserve study, capital budgeting, and facilities maintenance needs.