State Reserve Statutes

As a reserve study company that operates nationwide (as well as outside of the United States), it is important both for us and our clients to be aware of the unique state laws that may affect your reserve study report.  The various states fall into one of three categories; (1) states that require performance of a reserve study, (2) States that do not require the preparation of a reserve study but do have statutes regarding disclosures if reserve studies exist, and (3) states that have no statutes that even address the topic of reserve studies.

 (1) states that require performance of a reserve study include:

 California                     Ohio                        
 Delaware  Oregon
 Florida  Utah
 Hawaii  Virginia
 Nevada  Washington


(2) States that do not require the preparation of a reserve study but do have statutes regarding disclosures if reserve studies exist include:






(3) states that have no statutes that even address the topic of reserve everyone else.  Follow this link for information on these states.

Arkansas                        Massachusetts             Oklahoma                       
Connecticut Minnesota Pennsylvania
Georgia Mississippi Rhode Island
Idaho Missouri South Carolina
Illinois Montana South Dakota
Indiana Nebraska Tennessee
Iowa New Hampshire Texas
Kansas New Jersey Vermont
Kentucky New Mexico West Virginia
Louisiana New York Wisconsin
Maine North Carolina Wyoming
Maryland North Dakota  District of Columbia

Or, simply look at all of the states in Alphabetical order and follow the links below to specific information on each state's Reserve Study laws.