We believe our site contains the most comprehensive information available regarding reserve studies.  However, many individuals that visit this site also are in need of further information regarding the industry.  Listed below are links to a number of web sites that provide information related to the homeowners association industry.

The most comprehensive industry resource site is HOA Pulse.  Facilities Advisors is proud to be a site sponsor for HOA Pulse, which provides current news and articles for the industry, state statutes and case law, business directory, education, and more information.
Other organizations providing industry information are:


Associated Reserve Planners

ICBI - International Capital Budgeting Institute

Budgeting Professionals Credentialing Board

Reserve Study Software 

Homeowner's Association Taxes Information

Information on HOA's and 501 (c)(4) tax Information


Various Industry Organizations


CAI - Community Associations Institute.

CACM - California Association of Community Managers

TBMA - Timeshare Board members Association

ARDA - American Resort Development Association.