Facilities Advisors CEO Gary Porter has written five books and more than 400 articles on financial related issues for community associations.  He has made numerous presentations for a wide variety of groups including CAI national conferences and law conferences, and CAI chapter events.  He has been a featured speaker for more than 30 state CPA societies and is a regularly scheduled speaker for timeshare industry events.  He has been published or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Kiplinger's personal Finance, and more than a dozen major city newspapers.  He is the primary author of "Reserve Studies - The Complete Guide." a 400+ page book on reserve studies.

His background as a CPA and being the creator and coauthor of the technical reference books used by virtually every CPA who works in the community association and timeshare industries has caused him to be recognized as the "go to" expert on accounting and tax matters for the community association industry.  By virtue of starting his reserve study business in 1982 he is the longest serving reserve study provider in the community association industry.  For more than three decades Mr. Porter was also recognized as a financial and valuations expert in the California Superior Court System and was occasionally appointed as the Court's independent valuation expert.  This occurred either when the parties had no independent valuation experts or when Court felt that the parties' opposing expert positions were so extreme that a neutral third party expert was required.  He has also performed estate valuation appraisals for submission to the IRS.  To add to his personal experience of owning, repairing and reconstructing rental properties over the years, Mr. Porter earned his Facilities Management Professional (FMP) credential to gain further expertise in understanding the maintenance process for physical facilities.  He has also earned and holds CAI's RS (Reserve Specialist) designation and was the first person to be awarded the RRC (Registered Reserve Consultant) credential from the Budgeting Professionals Credentialing Board.  This broad background, unmatched in the community association industry, uniquely qualifies Mr. Porter as a subject matter expert on reserve studies.

Mr. Porter is available to speak on reserve study, accounting and tax topics.  Mr. Porter has made more than a hundred in-person presentations over the years and has also participated in a number of webinar presentations, with webinars becoming the predominant form of presentation method since early 2020.  If you would like Mr. Porter to speak at your event or to your management company or other organization, please contact Gary on his direct line at 702.605.2394 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..