Facilities Advisors Arizona is part of the Facilities Advisors International network and shares in the unique characteristics that make Facilities Advisors the leaders of the reserve study profession.  Since 1982 Facilities Advisors has led the profession with progressive concepts and practices that many of our competitors still have not discovered.  Our combination of the best technology, training in varied disciplines and adherence to the highest level standards are unmatched.

  • 1982 First to prepare reserve studies based on the association’s maintenance program
  • 1986 First to write a book about reserve studies
  • 2003 First to integrate the role of maintenance plans and reserve studies into a new service level – the “Reserve Management Plan”
  • 2003 First to adopt standard financial reporting protocols and identify cost elements into reserve study reports and to denounce the “four-part test” for a component – CAI standards finally dropped the four-part test from its standards twenty years later in 2023
  • 2003 First to standardize reserve study reports to include long-lived components or disclosures and non-physical reserve items such as engineering reports in the reserve study and to require a “Preparer’s Report” and “Disclosure of Significant Assumptions” in the reserve study report
  • 2006 First to create an electronic data capture tool for on-site analysis
  • 2013 – 2014 First to create and adopt comprehensive reserve study standards (ICBI) in conformity with widely accepted Capital Budgeting concepts
  • 2014 First Reserve Study company to prepare comprehensive maintenance plans for our clients
  • 2015 First to write the only comprehensive guide (at 400 plus pages) to reserve studies
  • 2016 First to have credentialed maintenance experts perform on-site analysis for reserve studies

Complete information about the Facilities Advisors International network follows:

Services Offered

Industries Served



Facilities Advisors Arizona is part of the Facilities Advisors International network and shares in the unique characteristics that make Facilities Advisors the leaders of the reserve study profession.  Since 1982 Facilities Advisors has led the profession with progressive concepts and practices that many of our competitors still have not discovered.  Our combination of the best technology, training in varied disciplines and adherence to the highest level standards are unmatched. 1982 First to prepare reserve studies based on the association’s maintenance program 1986 First to write a book about reserve studies 2003 First to integrate the role of maintenance plans and reserve studies into a new service level – the “Reserve Management Plan” 2003 First to adopt standard financial reporting protocols and identify cost elements into reserve study reports and to denounce the “four-part test” for a component – CAI standards finally dropped the four-part test from its standards twenty years later in 2023 2003 First to standardize reserve study reports to include long-lived components or disclosures and non-physical reserve items such as engineering reports in the reserve study and to require a “Preparer’s Report” and “Disclosure of Significant Assumptions” in the reserve study report 2006 First to create an electronic data capture tool for on-site analysis 2013 – 2014 First to create and adopt comprehensive reserve study standards (ICBI) in conformity with widely accepted Capital Budgeting concepts 2014 First Reserve Study company to prepare comprehensive maintenance plans for our clients 2015 First to write the only comprehensive guide (at 400 plus pages) to reserve studies 2016 First to have credentialed maintenance experts perform on-site analysis for reserve studies Complete information about the Facilities Advisors International network follows: Services Offered Reserve Studies Capital Budgets Maintenance Plans Industries Served Community Associations Timeshare Associations Commercial Organizations Nonprofit Organizations Governmental Agencies Resources Sample Reports Software Downloads Presentations and Articles Payments Navigation Services for Arizona Arizona Reserve Laws Request a Bid - Arizona Contact Arizona Reserve Studies Greg Libke, RSS After earning a degree in Business Management, and working with local competitor in Arizona, Greg acquired the skills and knowledge to deliver comprehensive reserve studies to his clients. Greg has experience with planned developments and condominium associations in Arizona, Texas, Nevada, and California.