Thank you for following the QR code link to our website. We appreciate it when people express interest in our company and the unique services we provide. There are many companies providing reserve study services but none can match our unique services.

Facilities Advisors Unique Services

  • Advanced electronic data capture tools for the most accurate component data
  • Our unique “Complete Measurements Report” for all building component measurements
  • Electronic measuring tools for just about everything
  • All site technicians are credentialed maintenance experts
  • Reports that provide information, not just data
  • Access to our internet-based software
  • Maintenance plans prepared by maintenance experts
  • Maintenance tracking software

Facilities Advisors International home page

Want a proposal from us? Two options below

  • Contact Us to provide just the basic information and we will follow up with a telephone call to you to get further information and allow you to ask us any questions you want.
  • Our more detailed PDF “Request For Proposal” form that provides us with all the information we need to prepare a proposal.

OR, find the representative for your area.

Facilities Advisors offices

Contact us for general information or any location not listed above click here